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Here you can find all the frequently asked questions on the pCon.planner.

  • Creation of stamps

    Stamps are title blocks containing information on the relevant planning. In pCon.planner PRO, they can be integrated into Layout pages. ...

  • Creating animations, videos, and compression methods

    With pCon.planner it is possible to create an animation. Here you will find the manual on how you can make one. After creating an animation, this animation can be converted to a video. When you save t...

  • AR functionality as of pCon.planner 8.3.1

    With pCon.planner version 8.3.1, you can now export parts of the drawing using the AR function. Below you will find tips.  In our blog, you can read about the new features of pCon.planner version 8.3....

  • Opening .dwg files in pCon.planner ME instead of Pro

    It may happen that if you work with pCon.planner ME and you have installed pCon.planner Pro at a later time, when opening a .dwg file, it opens in pCon.planner ME instead of pCon.planner Pro. To chang...

  • Batchrender does not start anymore

    What should you do if the batchrender does not start? Step 1 Check in the BatchRendering folder C:\Users\Username\EasternGraphics\BatchRendering if a file named Unique exists. If there is such a file,...

  • Video: Sharing AR content

    Click here to watch the video about sharing AR content...

  • Video: Live View

    Click here to watch the video about the Live View....

  • Video: 3D logo's

    Click here the watch a video about 3D logo's....

  • Video: Lightsources

    Click here to watch the video about lightscources in pCon.planner. ...