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Render tips: Why does rendering take so long?

We often get questions about the rendering time. The rendering time depends on many factors, so it is difficult to give an average render time.

Below are a number of factors that influence the render time:

  •  The size of the file.
  • Materials (metallic/reflecting, transparent/glass, self-illuminating,...),
  • Lights
  • Many elements in the drawing that come from the 3D Warehouse (e.g. plants).
  • Ospray setting, Size of the render: This can be set on high so rendering takes longer.
  • Ospray setting, Stopping Conditions: This can be set to High or Unlimited, which makes rendering take longer.

What can you do to speed up the rendering process: 

  • Work with a CPU with a lot of Cores, for more information see the document Technical Tips.
  • The entire drawing will be rendered. You can hide parts of the drawing that are not visible in the view you want to render.
  • Use the Batchrender (only in pCon.planner PRO). With the Batchrender you can render multiple renders in a row, and you can keep working in the file from which you create renders.

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