In the Sales Matrix, you will find an overview of the different functionalities and tools in pCon.planner STD, pCon.planner ME and pCon.planner PRO.
The following topics are described in the manual below:
- General information.
- File types you can import into pCon.planner.
- File types that you can export from pCon.planner.
- Possibilities to present your drawing.
- The possibilities that exist with regard to printing your drawing.
- The architectural elements you can use.
- The drawing and construction possibilities.
- The tools you can use.
- Dimensioning.
- Online content.
- OFML possibilities.
- Workspace.
Important information:
We are often asked in which version of pCon.planner it is possible to import and export PDF documents. This is only possible in pCon.planner STD and pCon.planner PRO.