Many Concept Office users rely on our cloud based solution. This solution has Concept Office installed on a server maintained by us so you don't have to worry about maintenance. Furthermore this option allows you to connect to Concept Office from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. Due to increased popularity we get more & more questions from users who aren't aware of the possibilities they have themselves in order to solve common problems. This article gives you a major insight in solving those issues yourself.
Cloud vs own computer
Even though we try our best it is possible that applications crash in your cloud environment (i.e. Concept Office, pCon.basket or Outlook). This is the case when the application doesn't respond to any of your input. It is important that you are aware that you are working in a cloud environment (not IN your own system) that operates a terminal server. This means restarting your own system doesn't affect anything in the cloud environment. Closing the cloud doesn't affect the programs either. That's why we would like to give you some more insights in how to react in cases like these.
Disconnecting from the cloud
A disconnect from the cloud occurs when you shut down the cloud by pressing the X button. U normally start Concept Office by pressing this icon on your own system:
In the centre top you have this bar visible:
If a program has crashed it is important to know that pressing the red circled cross is not a solution! This merely disconnects you from the cloud environment leaving it open in the state it was the last time you connected to it. There is nothing that will change in the cloud, even if you log in into the cloud after a week. It will be in the same state as it was. To close the cloud press the Windows logo in the bottom with the right mouse button and select shut down or log off. This make the cloud shut down including all running programs including the one that might have crashed.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it is possible that you are forced to work from home. Not everyone has the same wireless tools available at home as they have in their offices. Be aware that losing your internet connection (even for 1 millisecond) will throw you out of the cloud environment forcing you to reconnect. This doesn't affect any work as the cloud keeps operating in the background regardless if you're connected to it or not. Just connect again and you can continue your work.
Crash...or not?
Oftentimes we receive support tickets that Concept Office or the pCon.basket has crashed in the cloud and people are unable to continue their work. In most cases though nothing has crashed; the system merely has a dialog box open needing some attention. Please check this first before contacting us!
It is easy to check whether a dialog box is awaiting response or not. If the system appears crashed there is a dialog box open about in about 90% of these cases. The system want this dialog box to be answered before it reopens the interaction with other software like Concept Office or the Concept Office could be giving you a message after closing the pCon.basket stating that the sales price is lower than the actual purchase price or that the minimum margin doesn't apply to this order. Before proceeding any further you must anwer the dialog box by pressing the OK button.
Don't see the dialog box? Due to the server that you are operating on Windows might not show you a flashy dialog box notifying you. You can look this dialog box up yourself by pressing the ALT+TAB keyboard shortcut. Press the ALT button and whilst keeping it pressed repeatedly press the TAB button in order to cycle through the different software programs until you reach the dialog box. After answering the question or notification (by simply pressing OK) the system reopens all interactions once again and you can continue your work.
Should this option not work in your case enable the following setting:
Press the right mouse button on your system on the Concept Office Cloud shortcut
Now select edit.
Select the local resources tab and enable the ALT+TAB function on the external computer.
Help, the system is still unresponsive!
Should the system not react to anything after checking the possible dialog box there is a chance that Concept Office crashed due to security reasons. The system can lock Concept Office in certain cases as it has a database connected to it. To close Concept Office, the pCon.basket or Outlook in this case press the right mouse button on the taskbar with the corresponding logo of the progam you would like to close:
Press close in order to shut the program down. Restart the program should you want to use it any further.
Still not working?
If this does not work it is best to restart your cloud environment (NOT your own computer!). You can do this as instructed earlier. Press the Windows logo button in the lower left corner with the right mouse button and select shut down or log off. Either option works and will reboot the system.
This will close all programs running in your cloud environment. Problems that might have crashed will be shut down as well. Please be patient as you might get a message that these programs prevent Windows from shutting down completely. Shut them down anyway in the dialog box that opens and press OK.
Always take these steps before contacting us in case of a crash!
Trouble connecting to the cloud?
If you are having trouble connecting to the Concept Office cloud this is mostly due to a slow or damaged wireless connection. Internet connection is needed at all times when working in the Concept Office cloud. Should you encounter any problems our options of helping you are very limited. We will set up a connection with your credentials (and need your permission prior to doing that!) to test if it works from our (stable) internet connection. If we are able to reach your Concept Office cloud we cannot help you any further and you have to contact your IT partner or network provider.
Of course, should you run into problems of any other kind feel free to contact us at any time via our ticket system on this page!